City Attorney Announces Crackdown on Skid Row Drug Trade

City Attorney Carmen Trutanich has announced a new crackdown on the Skid Row drug trade, identifying 80 suspected dealers whom he hopes to exile from the poverty-stricken, Los Angeles neighborhood. The City Attorney’s office filed an injunction naming 80 individuals, all with drug-related convictions, who law enforcement officials believe are involved with selling drugs — mostly crack cocaine, but also marijuana, heroin and meth. Many of those named are also believed to be gang members, according to an LA Timesreport.

The proposed injunction has been met with protests from homeless advocates and civil rights activists who argue that this latest law enforcement measure will result in the targeting of homeless individuals, and will be an obstacle for those seeking drug rehabilitation and other services in the area.

Skid Row has been a hotspot for the crack cocaine trade for many years. The drug has typically been sold here by men and women from outside the area, and often on behalf of various gangs. There has been a concentrated police presence in the Skid Row area in recent years. However, this is law enforcement’s most extreme and far-reaching measure to date aimed at curtailing the crack cocaine trade in the Skid Row district.

Street dealers of crack cocaine are typically punished far more severely than the powder cocaine dealers who sell them the raw materials to make crack. While this may seem confusing, or unfair, it is a fact created by federal drug laws. If you have been charged with or are being investigated for a Los Angeles cocaine possession, it is extremely important to retain an attorney who is experienced in defending clients against all state and federal charges relating to possessing, distributing, or manufacturing crack cocaine.

The skilled and experienced drug defense lawyers in LA at the Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf have been successfully representing clients accused of drug trafficking, drug possession, drug manufacturing and other drug charges for over 40 years. We defend all crimes, both felony and misdemeanor, and we are prepared to aggressively represent your drug case. If you have been arrested for or charged with a drug crime in California, including crack cocaine possession or trafficking, contact the Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf at (310) 277-1707 for an immediate free consultation.

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Attorney Lawrence Wolf provides strong legal representation for Criminal Defense and DUI Defense Cases.

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