Theft Crimes
If you have been arrested for committing a theft crime in California, you need the immediate assistance and representation of an experienced Los Angeles theft defense attorney at the Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf. Our experienced Los Angeles California criminal defense lawyers have over 40+ years of experience defending the rights of clients who have been accused of a variety of criminal charges. If you are facing theft crime charges, please contact the Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf today to discuss your case with one of our Los Angeles theft defense lawyers.
There are a variety of different theft crimes, which in California, carry with them serious legal repercussions. Listed below are just a few theft related crimes that may result in harsh punishments, if convicted:
Identity theft – Using one’s personal information (i.e. Social Security card, driver’s license, or identification card) without consent or permission, to commit fraud and larceny.
Petty theft – A crime in which an individual knowingly steals another person’s property. To be considered petty theft, the stolen property must amount to no more than $400.
Grand theft – This is a crime where a person steals the goods of another person, which equally $400 or more in monetary value. Grand theft may be referred to as grand larceny.
Burglary – A crime in which an individual breaks into a building with the intent of committing a felony.
Other serious theft related crimes include misuse of public funds, counterfeiting, first degree burglary, second degree burglary, embezzlement, bribery, receiving stolen property, and theft of artwork. Although most theft crimes have standard penalties, the jail term and/or fine may be drastically increased depending upon the situation. Some factors that may result in even harsher punishments include: committing a theft crime with a firearm or weapon, and whether or not anyone was seriously injured or killed as a result of the theft crime.
Irregardless of whether or not you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony theft crime, you should contact a Los Angeles robbery defense lawyer right away. You freedom and future are in jeopardy and you need the representation of a skilled lawyer who has successfully defended cases similar to yours.
If you are convicted of theft charges in California, you will most likely serve a jail or prison term, and/or pay expensive monetary fines. In order to make sure that your legal rights are being aggressively defended, you should contact the Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf today for a free consultation. We have decades of experience having our clients charges dropped, sentences reduced, and other alternatives to jail made available.
Additional Information on Theft Crimes in Los Angeles:
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