DUI Case Results
DUI Defense Success Record
When it comes to choosing a Los Angeles DUI attorney, you want to be sure that you choose someone with a proven record of success. With over 40+ years as a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles, Larry Wolf has helped thousands of individuals to achieve a positive outcome from their DUI, even when the odds were stacked heavily against them. Below are just a few examples of cases in which Larry fought for people like you and won.
Don’t give up; don’t plead guilty. With Larry’s help, you can prevail. Request your free consultation online with Lawrence Wolf, or call our office at (310) 277-1707 to get started on your successful legal defense.
Case Results
- VC 23152 (DUI)
BAC .13
DMV hearing won, license reinstated; case dismissed; illegal search - VC 23152a with prior conviction
BAC .15
Prior conviction found unconstitutional - VC 23152a
BAC .09
Reduced to dry reckless; won DMV hearing - Negligent homicide
BAC .08/.07
Not guilty after jury trial - VC 23152a
BAC .11/.07/. 09
Jury trial; reduced to dry reckless after hung jury - VC 23152a
BAC .16
Reduced to wet reckless - VC 23152a
BAC .21
Won DMV hearing; no license suspension - VC 23152a drugs
BAC .07
Reduced to exhibition of speed; won DMV hearing - VC 23152a drugs
BAC .24
Reduced to wet reckless; treatment instead of jail - VC 23152 (a) & (b)
BAC .09
DUI charges dismissed; DMV hearing won; license reinstated - VC 23152(a) with a prior conviction & possession of drugs.
DUI charges dismissed; possession charges dismissed upon completion of 10 NA meetings - VC 23153(a) & (b) felony DUI & causing great bodily injury
BAC .40 and LSD
Great bodily injury charges stricken; no jail time - VC 23152
BAC .08
DUI charges dismissed - VC 23152 (DUI under 21)
BAC .05
DUI charges dismissed - VC 23152
BAC .16
DUI reduced to a wet reckless - VC 23152 (a) & (b)
BAC .17
GCI malfunction; DMV hearing won; license reinstated - VC 23152 DUI w/ a prior conviction
BAC .22
No Jail - VC 23152 w/ speed enhancement
BAC .09
Charges reduced to dry reckless - VC 23152 under 21
BAC .13
Won DMV hearing; case dismissed - VC 23152 and resisting arrest
BAC .08
DUI dismissed; won DMV hearing - VC 23153 Under the influence of marijuana with injuries
Reduced to exhibition of speed - VC 23152 (a)
BAC .08
Jury trial; not guilty in 30 minutes - VC 23152 a with traffic accident under influence of drugs
Case dismissed; DMV dismissed - VC 23152 (a) with 3 priors
BAC .09
Won DMV hearing; license saved for 3 years; treatment instead of any jail - DUI manslaughter
BAC .10/.09
Treatment in lieu of jail - 23152(a)
BAC .14
Reduced to wet reckless - 23152 (a) refusal sobriety checkpoint
Won DMV hearing; case reduced to dry reckless - 23152 (a)
BAC .18
Illegal stop; case dismissed; won DMV hearing - 23152(a)
BAC .13
Reduced to wet reckless - DUI accident refusal
Reduced to dry reckless with treatment; won DMV hearing - DUI, refusal, resisting arrest, possession of drugs, possession of drug pipe
Treatment and formal probation; drug program; no jail - DUI under 21
BAC .06
Case dismissed - DUI with prior
BAC .08
Prior dismissed; no jail - DUI refusal sobriety checkpoint
Reduced to dry reckless; won DMV hearing - DUI
BAC .27
Won DMV hearing

Get your questions answered - call me for your free, 20 min phone consultation (310) 277-1707.